What a dream session! I could not have asked for a better day or location to photograph Lynzie and Gary. This destination session at Garden of the Gods was spectacular. I was in heaven – photographing a beautiful couple and a beautiful place all in one!! Ah! One of my goals this year was to have a session/wedding in Colorado and I’m so happy to have checked that goal off the list! For next years goals, I’ll be praying for a Colorado wedding. 😉 Anyway, more about Lynzie & Gary! These two met at work and at first became friends, then eventually both of them were on the same page about dating, then getting married. They are now in their new house they just built and I’m so happy for them! Fun fact about Gary, he used to be a pro-baseball player for the Astros! So cool. I can’t wait to photograph their wedding this fall at Rustic Grace Estate in Van Alstyne, Texas.
Do you see the deer?!
Love this one of Lynzie!
I loved their goofiness! Gary had be cracking up half the time.
Kissing by the Kissing Camels.
We found a rainbow!
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