It started out as a nice 70 degree day, then later, up north, I saw several friends posting pictures of golfball-baseball sized hail. Not to fear: down south 30 minutes, the radar showed no signs of thunderstorms (or hail), so the day went on. Then I stared to head over to the location where I was meeting a couple for their engagement session. There were no signs of rain besides the fact that it was a cloudy day. UNTIL I started photographing. Of. Course. It sprinkled on us the entire time, and it was super windy (sorry your hair was in your face half the time, Amber), but we got some amazing shots and it made for a great session!! Such a fun couple.  🙂
Love this one.
Haha! Here’s what I mean by “fun!”
Goodness…so pretty and happy, these two.
Found some gorgeous light on this cloudy day, eh?
I love how the fence totally goes with their western theme.
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